Affiliate Mapping Resources

Hello and thank you SO much for attending my presentation on Mapping Out an Affiliate Strategy! I hope you found it helpful and that it makes affiliate marketing more logical….and more friendly! I could talk about it for HOURS.

If we didn't get a chance to meet, I am Laura from Lalymom. I started my blog 6 years ago as a hobby and accidentally succeeded at affiliate marketing a few years ago.

Basically, I reached out to a brand I love in the hopes of earning a sponsored post but they were not responsive. Heartbroken, I decided to write the post anyway and add affiliate links. I look back now and realize how grateful I am that the door that led to a one-time, small fee had remained closed so that I could open the door that led me to where I am today. I essentially created a DIY sponsored post that has paid me every month for years.

I learned from that happy accident and have replicated my results with several brands I love. I have earned multiple six figures from my affiliate marketing efforts and I hope that I can inspire you to add this to the tool kit you use to serve your audience.

I put together some resources to help you on your way. I've got steps to find products to promote, examples of people who rock affiliate marketing, resources to help you learn and some of my favorite affiliate work. I hope it helps!


Affiliate Map Workbook

Below I have added the two screen shots from my presentation of how to use the data in your Amazon Affiliates Dashboard and your Google Analytics to find products to promote, in case you just wanted to get a better look at them.

I also shared preview copies of my new Affiliate Map Workbook at the end of my session. I would love your feedback if you took a copy. (Email me with questions or feedback: laura . marschel at gmail.)

If you did not attend, and would like a place to brainstorm, record and track your affiliate marketing efforts, I also have digital copies of my Affiliate Map Workbook for sale. This workbook includes the screenshots from the presentation as well as several brainstorming exercises, affiliate assessments and income tracking charts to help you really map out your affiliate strategy.

If are interested in purchasing the digital copy of the Affiliate Map Workbook, you can buy it here at the Plaid Street Discount until October 5th.

Presentation screenshots

Here are the screen shots from the section on finding things your readers are already responding to:


Setting your dates on your amazon reports for this year or last year (under preset dates) allows you to see a great representation of what people are already buying from you. Is it something you link to once? Write more about it, or add it to other relevant posts. Is it something you never linked to but related to a post you've written? Maybe people can no longer buy the one you recommended, or maybe reviews are bad. Troubleshoot and consider writing about that product.

Here are the steps:

  1. Preset Dates: Year (note: do not select Custom Dates and try to set it for a year. go to the preset dates drop down and select this year or last year)
  2. Select the Fees tab
  3. Scroll to Earnings tab
  4. Sort by Items Shipped  or Advertising Fee


Amazon Content Insights Report

There is also a report in Amazon, which I did not screen shot, that helps you see what posts are generating amazon commissions for you. I prefer to look at the product by product listing above, but this content report is helpful to see what posts are really converting, and perhaps see if you need to troubleshoot and fix links on posts that are not getting sales.

Along the top of your Amazon Affiliates dashboard you have the black navigation bar. On the right end of that bar you should have a tab for content insights. It says it's in Beta on mine, so I don't know if everyone has it. If so, click the dropdown and select content performance. Set your date to 90 days (it won't go longer). Then run the report and when it's finished you will be able to download a spreadsheet. This shows every one of your posts, one by one, with columns for the clicks, sales and commission each one her earned in that 90 days. Fun stuff!

Google Analytics:

To see what outbound links your readers are clicking on, follow this path. Is it another blogger's post? Is it a product? How can you leverage this information into new content? If they are clicking a link and not buying (which you can see on the affiliate dashboard) troubleshoot the link. Replace the link and ask you affiliate manager to test it for you to be sure it is tracking. If it is to a site your readers may not be familiar with, give them reasons why you recommend buying from that site, or add a second link to amazon if it is available there.

Here are the steps:

  1. Set Dates to year
  2. Click Behavior
  3. Click Events
  4. Click Overview 
  5. Click Event Label
  6. Open Full Report (bottom right)

If you get to this screen and there is no data, it means you need to set up your analytics to track outbound links. I have included information about this below. Set it up now and you will be able to collect data in this are in the future.

Outbound Link Tracking

If you are looking for resources to start tracking outbound links on google analytics, I have a couple links that talk about it. If you have a tech person, they can probably help you as well.


Affiliate Marketing Resources

Yep, referral and affiliate links are totally included in the resources below. 😉

Affiliate Networks (places to look for merchants to partner with).

ShareASale – Some of my favorite brands use this network, including brands represented by Apogee who was at the conference.

Impact (formerly Impact Radius)

Those are my two main ones, but you can also reach out directly to the brand you want to work with and see which network they are on, or if they have their own internal system.

Places to Learn More

ShareASale has a helpful youtube channel with video tutorials in case you are new to their dashboard.

Apogee Agency is a 3rd party agency that runs affiliate programs for brands. Their team has an awesome Facebook Group and YouTube Channel all geared towards educating affiliates. They are a fun group of people on top of all the good that they do. 🙂

Affiliate marketing is also known as performance marketing because unlike with sponsored content which pays on a flat rate, affiliate marketing pays more based on your content's performance. The Performance Marketing Association is an awesome organization of people who are passionate about this industry. Be sure to check out their performance marketing blog for interesting articles, or to get involved.

Dustin Howes presented at Plaid Street as well, and if you missed his awesome presentation, do not overlook this list he shared of his top recommended tools for affiliate marketing. #3 on his list is one of the most helpful and valuable tips I have pulled from this incredibly valuable conference.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell – “The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” See how you can harness this phenomenon in this quick read.

How to Write Copy That Sells by Ray Edwards – The title sounds like it's going to be super salesy and smarmy but I have to tell you, this guy comes from a place of serving your audience and turns it up to eleven. He's so genuine and I love his perspective.

Examples of People Rocking Affiliate Sales in Different Ways

People often ask me which is the best medium for affiliate sales. For me it is an evergreen blog posts with good SEO, especially when you find a golden nugget: something you love, which people are researching to buy, and not a lot of other people are writing about. (insert angels singing here)

But for you it may be different. I'd say the first place to start is where ever you have the best engagement already. Are you rocking email? Share some of your favorite things with your subscribers. Are you an Insta-maven? Give your readers what they need on that platform. You get the idea.

Slow Roasted Italian – Facebook- Delivering viral videos on her Slow Roasted Facebook Page, she is training her followers to watch, engage and click. She's sharing highly shareable amazon products in between her solid content.

Amy Lynn Andrews – Email – She sends one email every Saturday, called the UseLetter. It is a text list of news and helpful tips for bloggers distilled into a weekly digest. She delivers so much value every single week that her email is one of the few newsletters I make time to read every time I see it, and I would gladly shop through her links because of the value she gives me every week.

Nakisha Wynn – YouTube – If you attended the YouTube sessions, Nakisha's enthusiasm may still be making you smile, even after the conference. I'm loving her YouTube Channel and while it does not LOOK like she is overly promoting affiliate links, and she flawlessly highlights them in her encouraging, engaging, helpful video content.

Who am I missing? It you are reading this and have a great example of someone rocking affiliates on social media, let me know!

Some of my favorite Things

Yep, I'm an affiliate for them.

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I hope these affiliate marketing resources helps you to help your audience! If you have any questions, feel free to send them to laura . marschel at gmail.