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Delish Chickpea Recipes & Ideas (Including My FAVES! Yummy & Healthy.)

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Delish easy chickpea recipes (my favorite go to ways to eat them)

Inside I'm sharing delicious, easy chickpea recipes. Chickpeas are one of my top favorite foods. I have absolutely eaten garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) straight out of the can but there are so many quick and easy ways to enjoy these nutritional powerhouses. I'll add some partner affiliate links for easy shopping.

Photo of a jar of chickpeas spilling onto a table. Text reads 40+ chickpea recipes & mix-ins.

Are Chickpeas Healthy?

Chickpeas are an excellent source of plant-based protein, making them a popular choice among vegetarians and vegans.

They are also rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut. This fiber content also contributes to a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight management.

Additionally, chickpeas are packed with plenty essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, folate, phosphorus, and B vitamins, which are vital for various bodily functions including energy production and brain health.

The low glycemic index of chickpeas makes them beneficial for blood sugar control, which is particularly advantageous for individuals with diabetes.

I happen to enjoy regular canned chickpeas but if you have a diet that restricts sodium you probably will want to choose low sodium.

If you're ever wondering, “What do you do with a can of chickpeas?” this list is for you. You can do as little or as much as you want.

Easy Chickpea Toppings and Mix-ins

I love chickpea mostly because they are tasty but they are also extremely versatile.

They are perfect for an “un-recipe” which is my word for basic ingredients from your fridge or pantry, that you can just mix up and eat, without a huge exact list of instructions.

If you have a favorite spice, herb, dressing or other flavor you might even try draining some chickpeas and mixing it together in a bowl and see what you get.

Here are some simple garbanzo beans suggestions for inspiration:

1. Fresh Herbs: Parsley, cilantro, or dill can add a fresh flavor.

2. Spices: Cumin, paprika, curry powder, or garlic powder for a flavor boost.

3. Citrus Zest and Juice: Lemon juice or lime zest for a tangy kick.

4. Olive Oil: A drizzle of good quality olive oil for richness. Buzz it up with an immersion blender for simple two ingredient hummus!

5. Vinegars: Balsamic, red wine, or apple cider vinegar for acidity.

6. Sauces: Hot sauce, tahini, pesto, or soy sauce for an umami touch.

7. Cheese: Crumbled feta or grated Parmesan for a salty addition.

8. Nuts and Seeds: Toasted pine nuts, almonds, or sesame seeds for crunch.

9. Vegetables: Diced tomatoes, cucumbers, or roasted red peppers for freshness.

10. Onions: Chopped red onions or green onions for a sharp flavor.

11. Yogurt or Sour Cream: For a creamy element.

12. Dried Fruit: Raisins or chopped apricots for a sweet contrast.

13. Croutons: For added texture.

14. Chili Flakes: For a spicy kick. We love Chili Crunch.

15. Coconut Milk: For a creamy, tropical twist.

These additions can transform plain chickpeas into a tasty and versatile ingredient for salads, bowls, spreads, or even as a standalone snack. Experimenting with different flavor profiles means you can invent a new dish with this one ingredient any time.

Two Ingredient Chickpea Dishes

To keep going with the un-recipe method, these Two-ingredient dishes featuring chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) are wonderfully simple yet delicious. Here are some examples:

1. Chickpea Avocado Mash: Mash together ripe avocado and cooked or canned chickpeas for a quick and nutritious spread or topping.

2. Tomato Chickpea Salad: Combine chickpeas with cherry tomatoes (halved or whole) for a refreshing salad.

3. Roasted Chickpeas: Toss chickpeas with your choice of seasoning (like smoked paprika or cumin) and roast until crispy. (See flavor ideas below.)

4. Chickpea Soup: Blend cooked chickpeas with vegetable broth for a creamy, comforting soup.

5. Chickpea Pasta: Mix cooked chickpeas with your favorite cooked pasta for a simple and filling meal.

6. Chickpea Spinach Sauté: Sauté chickpeas with fresh spinach for a quick and healthy side dish.

7. Chickpea Wraps: Mash chickpeas and spread them on a tortilla or flatbread for a simple wrap.

8. Chickpea Rice: Mix cooked chickpeas with steamed rice (or quinoa) for a basic yet fulfilling dish.

9. Sheet pan Chickpeas and Cauliflower: Roast them on a foil lined sheet pan, a match made in heaven.

These dishes are not only easy to make but also offer a good balance of nutrients, making them ideal for quick meals or snacks.

Roasted Chickpeas Recipe ideas

Roasted chickpeas are such a basic, easy dish which is why they have become so popular over the past several years.

A lot of recipes for roasted chickpeas have you roast until the beans are crunchy, either in the oven or air fryer. Here is a good recipe for the air fryer roasted chickpeas if you want to try them.

I personally prefer them roasted lightly, but still tender and creamy, so I do mine in the oven and just put them in for around 15 minutes. It's a personal preference! You can find your own favorite way to eat them.

Here's a list of flavor combinations for roasted chickpeas that can add a delicious twist to this healthy snack.

1. Smoky Paprika & Garlic: Combine smoked paprika and garlic powder for a smoky, savory flavor.

2. Cinnamon & Sugar: Toss chickpeas with a bit of cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar for a sweet treat.

3. Lemon & Pepper: Use lemon zest and cracked black pepper for a zesty, spicy kick.

4. Rosemary & Sea Salt: Fresh or dried rosemary with a pinch of sea salt for an aromatic and salty snack.

5. Curry & Turmeric: A blend of curry powder and turmeric for an Indian-inspired taste.

6. Honey & Sriracha: A mix of honey and sriracha sauce for a sweet and spicy flavor.

7. Cumin & Coriander: Ground cumin and coriander for a warm, earthy taste.

8. Italian Herbs: A mix of dried Italian herbs like oregano, basil, and thyme for a Mediterranean flair.

9. Chili Lime: Chili powder and lime zest for a tangy and slightly spicy combo.

10. BBQ Spice: Use your favorite BBQ seasoning for a smoky, sweet, and slightly spicy flavor.

11. Ranch Seasoning: Toss chickpeas in dry ranch seasoning for a creamy and tangy flavor.

12. Buffalo Sauce: Coat with buffalo sauce for a spicy, tangy snack, perfect for fans of hot wings.

13. Maple & Cinnamon: A sweet combination of maple syrup and cinnamon.

14. Garam Masala: Use garam masala for a fragrant and warm Indian flavor.

15. Soy Sauce & Ginger: A mix of soy sauce and a hint of ginger for an Asian-inspired twist.

These are just a few ideas to get started. You can mix and match these flavors based on your personal taste preferences. Roasting chickpeas with these flavor combinations can turn them into a delightful and healthy snack.

Chickpea Recipes

If you are the recipe following type, and you want some delicious dishes that use chickpeas, check out these recipes.

  1. Quick Chickpea Bolognese – A flavorful and easy-to-prepare pasta sauce.
  2. Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpeas– One of my all time favorite combinations, the sauce here elevates it even more.
  3. Quick and Easy Spiced Chickpea Bowls – A simple and delicious meal.
  4. 5-Minute Spicy Chickpea Salad – A quick and versatile salad, perfect for a healthy lunch.
  5. Easy Chickpea Pasta – A protein-packed vegetarian meal.
  6. Slow Cooker Chickpea and Sweet Potato Stew – Hearty, warming and filling. A lovely comfort food recipe that happens to be healthy!
  7. 10 Minute Chickpea and Spinach Curry – A speedy and flavorful curry, ideal for a quick dinner.
  8. Chickpea Curry Stew with Kale – A hearty and nourishing stew. (Or for anotherflavor profile, try the Moroccan Chickpea Stew.)
  9. Fiesta Bean Salad– This is a bright, flavorful way to eat your beans.
  10. Rainbow Power Salad with Roasted Chickpeas – A vibrant and nutritious salad.
  11. Smashed Chickpea Avocado Dip – A versatile dip great for sandwiches or as a spread.
  12. Steph's Chickpea Curry with Spinach and Rice – A flavorful and filling meal.
  13. 30-Minute Chickpea Pozole – A quick and delicious Mexican-inspired soup recipe.
  14. Harissa Chickpeas with Whipped Feta – A flavorful and easy dish.
  15. Italian-Style Zucchini and Chickpea Sauté – A quick and flavorful dish.

Which recipes or un-recipes are you looking forward to trying?

Photo of a jar of chickpeas spilling onto a table. Text reads 40+ chickpea recipes & mix-ins.

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