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Witnessing the Wonder

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I took this picture on my cell phone last week and every time I look at it I get a little teary-eyed. This is my second child at 9 months old, touching a leaf for the first time. Seems pretty harmless I know, and maybe odd that it took that long for me to give him access to a leaf. But I just sat there watching him explore a leaf. I realized it had been quite a while since I really paid attention to his fascination with something new. Since I'd witnessed the wonder in his eyes.

As a stay at home mom, I spend a lot of time with him but as he is my second child I am not as fascinated by his fascination as I was with his sister, when it was all new to me too. What a treat it was to just sit there and see his little finger rubbing the veins on the leaf, to flick it around, to inevitably try to put it in his mouth. It was a reminder to slow down and even though his sister is very high energy, that he needs my attention too!

I look forward to witnessing his wonder more now that I've had this reminder! Do you have any tips on committing to make time for number 2 and beyond? I'd love to hear what others do to be sure to not to miss all the special moments!

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  1. You are right, it is so easy to miss these moments with your second, or third…. but they are still as amazing. Thank you for the reminder to slow down. I need it

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the nice comment. I need the reminder too- even though I just wrote that! Now it is Monday after a long holiday weekend and it is tempting to go back to the usual routine!

  2. Oy the computer just deleted the long comment I wrote!! So I will try again!

    I love this post Laura! I often wonder what it will be like when I have a second, third, etc. child. I know it must take a lot more time and energy to give equal attention to each moment and milestone. I will keep this post in mind when I need to slow things down and appreciate the fascinating little things in life! 🙂 Oh and I love your son’s hat and adorable little hands!!

    1. Thanks Blayne, Keep doing what you’re doing and I know number 2 and any more will be just great! You already have all the activities ready to go! 🙂 Thanks for the sweet comment!

    1. That’s a good point! Oh technology! Although my 3 year old has a new mantra- “No pictures, mom!” At least the camera phone doesn’t make a sound when it captures the image!

  3. I love this post — I can relate so much!!! It is so hard to have the second because it is gut-wrenching that I don’t feel the same about her. I was already a mom when I had her! Thanks for this sweet reminder — and it’s okay that we parent our second (and 3rd, etc) different, every child can’t be a first child 🙂

  4. All kids grow up way too quickly for me, but I’m thankful for little reminders like yours here that cause us once more to focus on what’s truly important. Thanks for sharing this with us this weekend at One Sharendipity Place!

    sue @ thet2women.com

  5. Oh, it is hard sometimes when you have more than one child to watch that wonder, to see them explore their world!

    I love that you caught it on film!

    Thank you for linking up to Thankful Thursday last week -definitely a moment to be thankful for!

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